" To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow." - Audrey Hepburn

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

A New Way of Baking: The Paleo Baking Experience

Anyone who knows me, knows that I am a total sweet tooth! So when trying to eat clean and keep my diet healthy, I've always struggled with my cravings for sweets! Last year I joined Crossfit and fell in love with the box (what we call the gym), the community there, and the WODs! The people there are like a family. They inspired me to live a healthier lifestyle with fitness and clean eating. I became interested in the Paleo diet. I am a total carbaholic! I knew I ate too many carbs. So while I was doing Crossfit, I set a goal to limit my carbs. I did pretty good with limiting how much carbs I ate, except for the weak moments where I let my cravings get the best of me! 

My friend Deborah has embraced the Paleo diet/lifestyle. When I stayed with her for a week in New Mexico this summer, we ate Paleo the whole week. I felt so much better! I had more energy. I had less bloating and digestive problems. It was amazing the difference that it made in how I felt! Then I came back home- the new school year began. I was swamped at work and stressed out. I stopped going to Crossfit. I was in a slump, BIG time!  So, I fell off the wagon and didn't focus on eating clean or my fitness!  It is a lifestyle not a diet! I've heard people say it over and over. It is so true!

I know it is so cliche making resolutions for the approaching new year. Most people, including me, make resolutions they will never keep. But I truly want to be dedicated to the lifestyle of eating clean,  dedicating time to fitness, and just simply finding ways to be healthy- physically, mentally, and emotionally. 

SO, this is what has prompted me to play in the kitchen tonight- and try out a new recipe I found on a blog that I absolutely LOVE: "Against all Grain." I've loved looking at the recipes on Danielle's blog for several months now, but never tried one- until tonight! I baked her "Real Deal Chocolate Chip cookies" tonight! Let me tell you, they ARE the real deal! They are delicious- and they have no grains! I am loving learning a new way of baking. These cookies have made me a believer in baking with almond flour and coconut flour! Even the hubby gave the cookies his seal of approval! He loved them! I am so excited about finding more recipes to try out! 

I even got to rock my new apron that I bought from the Loveless Cafe in Nashville! I love it! So vintage- looking! Happy Baking everyone! If you have a Paleo recipe that you have made that you love, please share with me in the comments below! Below is the link to the recipe for Danielle's amazing Chocolate Chip cookies! 


  1. Julie, you did it- you started a new blog! It looks fabulous! I plan on being your first follower :-)

    1. Yay! Thanks sweetie! You inspired me to do it! I love reading your blog!
